Helpful tips for handling money on the job
Having cash on hand creates a significant risk
for any business, and it’s important for you to understand how to safely handle
cash that you are responsible for.
When using a cash drawer:
Open it
only when making a transaction.
Close the
drawer before you package merchandise the customer may have purchased.
Leave the
bills the customer gave you on top of the drawer until after making change to
keep a record of what the customer paid in case of dispute.
leave an open cash drawer unattended for any length of time.
your supervisor when you build up excess cash in your drawer so it can be moved
to a more secure location.
count cash drawers in front of customers. Always count the contents of the
drawer in a secure, private area.
lock the cash drawer and remove the key when it is not in use.
If the
premises will be unattended overnight, empty the cash drawer and leave it open
to deter damage in the event of a break-in.
There may be a time when you will have to
bring cash to the bank on behalf of . Remember these tips while moving cash:
· Never establish a routine for deposits. Vary
the time and the route you take as much as possible.
· Always try to take someone with you. Go by
yourself only as a last resort.
· Alert someone that you are leaving with the
deposit and also tell them when you should be returning.
· Transport cash in something that doesn’t draw
attention to you. If you are using a bank bag or similar container, always put
it in something unidentifiable.
· Do not use public transportation.
· If taking a taxi, use a reputable company, and
always call for it by phone instead of flagging one down once you’ve reached
the street.
· If walking, choose busy streets that will keep
you close by people.
· Do not make other stops before the deposit.
Even when employees take all the proper
precautions, there is still chance for a robbery. If such a robbery occurs
while you are at work, remember:
Try to
remain as calm as possible.
with the robber’s instructions.
Give them
any money or goods that they ask for.
mental notes about the robber’s appearance so you can inform police.
attempt to physically stop an armed robber.
that no amount of money is worth a life.