Thursday, March 15, 2012


 First, let’s hope we are all spared from storms in 2012!  However, it is likely they will hit somewhere in our area and we should review the insurance options needed to get your business up and going with as little interruption as possible.

Of course, we know your property insurance will replace the roof – but what about the lost income you incur while the old roof is being torn off, hauled away and a new one installed?

That’s where Business Interruption Insurance becomes vitally important.

This policy will cover the profits that would have been earned if the storm had not occurred.  It will also pay your fixed operating costs – such as rent.  These coverages continue until the end of the period as outlined in your policy. 

Please contact one of our offices for detailed information on this coverage for your operation.                         


In a low-margin business in which sales can fluctuate, operators of consistently profitable restaurants don’t wait until the end of the month to learn how their restaurants performed. 

To get meaningful, timely information, get a “Prime Cost report” at the end of each week.  This should include costs of sales and all payroll costs, including management, plus payroll taxes and employee benefits.

The goal in most full service restaurants is to keep prime cost
at 65% or less.  Quick service restaurants often shoot for a prime cost at or below 60% of sales.  The costs of food, beverage and hourly wage often represent 90% of the total costs.

By calculating prime cost weekly vs. monthly, operators have a good shot at nipping problems in these areas quickly.

If the actual numbers on your P&L sheet differ from this significantly, you’ll be prompted to look for errors on the P&L or look more deeply into operations to find the errors.


The SMART program is an interactive, web-based course available free of charge to those who own or work for any Missouri establishment licensed to sell alcohol.

It is free to all participants and available anywhere with an internet connection.  This program works very well for training staff quickly in high-turnover environments.  The Division of Alcohol and Tobacco fully supports the SMART program, and participation in this program will be considered when determining the extent of the retailer’s efforts to prevent violations.

Topics covered are:
·       Recognition of fake ID’s
·       Acceptable forms of identification
·       Prevention of service to minors
·       Typical signs of intoxication
·       Advice on how to handle disorderly, intoxicated customers
·       Laws and liability concerns related to serving underage or intoxicated customers

For more info or to sign up, go to


·          Conduct background checks - If employee is a high school student, talk to their guidance counselor.
·          Treat employees with respect – When treated fairly, employees are less likely to steal.
·          Conduct a drawer check at the end of each shift.
·          Get to the root of the problem.  If you suspect an    employee of stealing, move them to another shift.
·          Protect your customers by only allowing seasoned employees to handle customer money and credit cards. 


  • $81,687 was the sales per full-time non-supervisory employee in 2010.
  • 52% of adults said they would be likely to utilize an electronic payment system at their table if it was offered by a full service restaurant.
  • 38% of adults said they would be likely to utilize a Smartphone application if it was offered by a quick service restaurant.
  • 72% of adults said they are more likely to visit a restaurant that offers locally-produced food items.
  • 57% of adults said they would be likely to utilize an option of delivery directly to their home or office if offered by a full service restaurant.
  • 41% of adults said they would be likely to utilize a self-service ordering terminal if it was offered by a quick service restaurant.
  • 57% of adults said they are more likely to patronize a restaurant that offers a customer loyalty and reward program.
  • 28% of adults said they are likely to choose a restaurant they haven’t been to before based on information on social media such as Facebook.
  • Restaurant industry job growth outpaced the overall economy from 2000 to 2011.